A registrar that allocates subdomains to the first person to claim them, but expires registrations a fixed period after they're initially claimed.


  • default
    • ReverseRegistrar



abi: any[]
address: string
bytecode: undefined | string
provider: Provider


  • Get this contract balance

    Returns Promise<bigint>

    the satoshi balance of this contract

  • Perform calltocontract


    • method: string

      The contract method to call

    • args: any[]

      The arguments

    Returns Promise<undefined | Result>

    see Result

  • Transfers ownership of the reverse MNS record associated with the calling account.


    • owner: string

      The address to set as the owner of the reverse record in MNS.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.

  • Transfers ownership of the reverse MNS record associated with the calling account.


    • addr: string

      The reverse record to set

    • owner: string

      The address to set as the owner of the reverse record in MNS.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.

  • Transfers ownership of the reverse MNS record associated with the calling account.


    • owner: string

      The address to set as the owner of the reverse record in MNS.

    • resolver: string

      The address of the resolver to set; 0 to leave unchanged.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.

  • Transfers ownership of the reverse MNS record specified with the address provided


    • addr: string

      The reverse record to set

    • owner: string

      The address to set as the owner of the reverse record in MNS.

    • resolver: string

      The address of the resolver to set; 0 to leave unchanged.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.

  • Get receipts from a transaction

    Returns Promise<EventLogs>

    an EventLogs object

  • Perform sendtocontract


    • method: string

      The contract method to send to

    • args: any[]

      The arguments to use

    • Optionalvalue: string

      The amount to send to the contract

    • OptionalgasLimit: number

      The amount of gas units allowed

    • OptionalgasPrice: number

      The satoshi price per gas

    Returns Promise<{
        hash160: string;
        sender: string;
        txid: string;

    see Result

  • Sets the name() record for the reverse MNS record associated with the calling account. First updates the resolver to the default reverse resolver if necessary.


    • name: string

      The name to set for this address.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.

  • Sets the name() record for the reverse MNS record associated with the account provided. First updates the resolver to the default reverse resolver if necessary. Only callable by controllers and authorised users


    • addr: string

      The reverse record to set

    • owner: string

      The owner of the reverse node

    • name: string

      The name to set for this address.

    Returns Promise<Transaction>

    The MNS node hash of the reverse record.