Interface IERC20Metadata

Interface that represents a smart contract, which implements EIP20 with the optional Metadata extension

interface IERC20Metadata {
    allowance(owner: string, spender: string): Promise<bigint>;
    approve(spender: string, amount: bigint): Promise<Transaction>;
    balanceOf(account: string): Promise<bigint>;
    decimals(): Promise<number>;
    name(): Promise<string>;
    symbol(): Promise<string>;
    totalSupply(): Promise<bigint>;
    transfer(recipient: string, amount: bigint): Promise<Transaction>;
    transferFrom(sender: string, recipient: string, amount: bigint): Promise<Transaction>;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


  • Moves amount tokens from sender to recipient using the allowance mechanism. amount is then deducted from the caller's allowance.

    Emits a Transfer event.


    • sender: string
    • recipient: string
    • amount: bigint

    Returns Promise<Transaction>