the token address
whether to approve
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Create an MRC721 token
the name of the token
the symbol of the token
the baseURI of the token
if the token is burnable
the royalty of the token
the inital royalty beneficiary
the signed message see permissionSlip
this 2500000 and 3500000
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Migrate the factories and auction controller(s) to a new contract.
the new MetriverseCore contract
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Hash parameters which can be signed by a MetriverseController to allow an account to create an MRC721 from one of the factories
a keccak256 hash of the token info see tokenInfo
a uint96 royalty rate
if the token will be burnable
the nonce of the token creator
the beneficiary of the token royalties
a keccak256 hash of the parameters
Renounce ownership of this contract
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Perform sendtocontract
The contract method to send to
The arguments to use
The amount to send to the contract
The amount of gas units allowed
The satoshi price per gas
see Result
Send MRX funds from the contract's balance
the satoshi amount to send
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Set the MRC721 auction controller
the MRC721AuctuionController
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Set platform fee for inbuilt auctions
the uint96 fee (up to 1000 or 10%)
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Set the BurnableMRC721 factory address
the address of the BurnableMRC721Factory contract
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Allow or disallow a controller of this contract, controllers are able to call the sign for the createMRC721 function.
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Set the MRC721 factory address
the address of the MRC721Factory contract
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Transfer ownership of this contract
the EVM adddress of the receiver
an array of TransactionReceipt objects
Approve a token for trade on the inbuilt auctions